The 2009 CineStory Screenwriting Awards are now accepting submissions.
CineStory is a very unique non-profit that mentors writers to help them improve their craft and workshop their writing with industry professionals. This is a fantastic organization and worth entering the competition. Competition winners are invited to a special retreat in Idyllwild where they will work intimately with industry professionals and get real feedback on their work. It’s an amazing opportunity.
Deadlines are as follows:
postmarked by Nov 16, 2009
postmarked by Dec 31, 2009
postmarked by Jan 31, 2010
Thanks for the tip. Looks like a great opportunity. Do you know anything about the size of the competition? I didn’t see anything about that on their website.
Jamie, there were approx. 500 entries last season. Good luck!
Thanks for the information, Monica. I love your blog. It has an incredible amount of invaluable information for a newbie like myself. Keep writing!