Inspired by Elmore Leonard’s 10 Rules of Writing, The Guardian asked authors for their personal dos and don’ts. Part One of the article from The Guardian. Click here for Part Two of the article.
Archive | Ideas
Pixar: Writing Complete Stories
An interesting article on how Pixar focuses on writing complete stories from Story Fanatic.
Positioning Yourself as a Writer: Choosing Genre
It’s probably worth your time to think about how you want to get sold as a writer. If you have material worth selling, at some point someone is going to discover this, and they’ll try to package you and sell you as a certain kind of writer. What kind of writer do you want to […]
Who Are You Writing For?
I was Skyping with a writer friend the other night who had sent me a list of about 10 loglines and was wanting to brainstorm which project to write next. He later sent me an email indicating he’d chosen to write a horror movie starring a young boy character and, in essence, a CGI character. […]
Inside Out vs. Outside In
The great debate: character to story or concept to character. Face it: you’re either one or the other. If you think you’re both at the same time, I’d really love to hear from you and learn how you do it, because it seems to me there’s a huge canyon in between and I’m waiting for […]
Playing With Ideas: Part II
This next information might seem completely basic to you, but take note. Some of my best ideas come in just a fragment of a thought. It might not even be a complete thought. It might just be one small thing, that later connects to another small thing, and then once the connections start, something evolves. […]
Playing With Ideas: Part I
I guess lately I’m in the zone, because I feel like every time I talk with someone I end up giggling like an idiot and saying, “Hey, that would make a great starting concept for a movie.” Of course, I don’t generally point this out to other writers. Well, sometimes. But, non-writers usually tilt their […]