Thank you to my readers who emailed, asking if I was alright. I’m fine. I’ve just returned from Los Angeles and will be back to blogging regularly. Stay tuned for new features coming to the blog. I’ve enlisted a couple of writer friends to help me create some tools that I feel are essential to […]
Archive | August, 2009
You Don’t Need To Be on the Page
I was having a conversation this morning with another writer friend, and we had a little bit of a laugh (but not in a malicious way) about another writer who fancies himself a director and this is evident in his writing because he, meaning his personality, is everywhere on the page. When you read his […]
Be Smart About When You Write What
This is intended as a follow up post to Write What You Love. I went to AFI for film school where, I imagine distinct from USC and UCLA, we didn’t really learn much, if anything, about the entertainment business. I learned a ton about writing and the writing process – but as far as the […]
Write the Movies You Really Want To See
This is intended as a follow up post to Write What You Love. Okay. This might sound ridiculous, but bear with me. Say a magic genie appeared tonight before you fell asleep, Shazam!, and gave you a magic ticket to the best movie ever the following day, what movie would you want to see? If […]